e-poster Guidelines for submission

Please submit posters via QuasarsInCrisis@gmail.com

The general idea is to write a 3-slide mini-slide-show, following the template below, or something equivalent. The first slide should be useful by itself, and slides 2 and 3 provide more detail. The first slide is the one that will cycle round on the displays during the break, and can also be the single slide that you use in the poster-talk sessions, whereas on the website, conference attendees can look at all three slides, come and find you to talk about your e-poster, and so on. Please try to stick to the following guidelines where possible:

We have also constructed some templates to help get you started. Links below.

Keynote Template (.key)

Open Document Template (.odp)

Powerpoint Template (.pptx)

If your completed PDF has a large file size, please email us with a download link (eg. via Dropbox or similar). Slides will be hosted as soon as possible after they are received.

Although we would like everybody to follow the 3-slide concept, you could also re-purpose an existing A0 poster, if you have it in PDF format. Do be aware though that it would appear only on the website, not in the cycling displays. You should also test whether your text is easy to read or not. (Check on phone and tablet as well as laptop.) To help you, below we show examples of some standard poster sizes/font sizes.

A4 Landscape Single

A4 Portrait Single

A0 Landscape Single

A0 Portrait Single